Srinivasa Ramanujan

Introduction to Srinivasa Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan
This is a real image of Srinivasa Ramanujan
Born:- 22 December 1887
Died:- 26 April 1920 (aged 32)

Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan lived from 22 December 1887 to 26 April 1920. Despite having very little formal experience in pure mathematics, he made significant contributions to number theory, mathematical analysis, infinite series, and continuing fractions. He also solved some of the then-unsolvable mathematical puzzles.

In the beginning, Ramanujan conducted independent research on mathematics. Hans Eysenck claims that “he attempted, but mostly failed, to pique the interest of the top professional mathematicians in his work.

Because of what he had to offer them was too new, too strange, and presented in an odd way, they were uninterested. In 1913, he started a postal communication with the English mathematician G. H. Hardy at the University of Cambridge, England, in an attempt to find mathematicians who could better comprehend his work. Seeing the amazing quality of Ramanujan’s work, Hardy made arrangements for him to visit Cambridge.

Hardy noted in his notes that Ramanujan had generated several brilliant new theorems that “defeated me completely; I had never seen anything in the least like them before” in addition to other very advanced findings that had just been verified.

Ramanujan independently accumulated around 3,900 findings (mainly identities and equations) throughout his brief life. Many of his findings were wholly unique; among them are the Ramanujan prime, the Ramanujan theta function, partition formulas, and mock theta functions, which have opened up whole new fields of study and motivated more investigation. The majority of his thousands of results have been shown to be accurate.

The Ramanujan Journal is a scientific publication that was founded to publish research in all fields of mathematics that were impacted by Ramanujan. Since his passing, his notebooks, which included summaries of both his published and unpublished findings, have been examined and studied in an effort to uncover new mathematical concepts.

Even in 2012, scholars were finding that his remarks on “simple properties” and “similar outputs” for specific finds were actually significant and subtle results of number theory that had gone unnoticed for almost a century. He was elected as the first Indian Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and one of the youngest Fellows of the Royal Society. He was also the second member of Indian descent.

Ramanujan had to return to India in 1919 due to health issues, which are now thought to have been caused by hepatic amoebiasis, a complication from episodes of dysentery many years before. He passed away in India in 1920 at the age of 32. Written in January 1920, his final correspondence with Hardy demonstrates that he was still coming up with fresh theorems and concepts in mathematics. When his “lost notebook” containing findings from his final year of life was found in 1976, mathematicians were quite excited.

Early Years

Born into an Iyengar Tamil Brahmin family in Erode, Tamil Nadu, on December 22, 1887, Ramanujan (literally, “younger brother of Rama”) is a Hindu god. His father, Kuppuswamy Srinivasa Iyengar, was a sari store worker who was originally from the Thanjavur area. Komalatammal, his mother, was a homemaker who also sang in a nearby temple.

In the town of Kumbakonam, they resided in a modest traditional house on Sarangapani Sannidhi Street. The family’s house is currently a museum. Sadagopan, the boy Ramanujan’s mother had given birth to when he was a year and a half old, passed away less than three months later.

Ramanujan had smallpox in December 1889, but he recovered, not like the 4,000 other people who passed away in the Thanjavur area during a terrible year during this same period. He and his mother relocated to Kanchipuram, close to Madras (now Chennai), where her parents lived. In 1891 and 1894, his mother gave birth to two additional children, but they both passed away before turning one year old.

Ramanujan enrolled at the local school on October 1, 1892. Following his mother’s job loss as a court official in Kanchipuram, Ramanujan returned to Kumbakonam with his mother, where he attended Kangayan Primary School. He was returned to his maternal grandparents, who were then residing in Madras, following the death of his paternal grandfather.

He made an effort to avoid going to school in Madras since he disliked it. His family hired a policeman in the area to make sure he went to school. In less than half a year, Ramanujan returned to Kumbakonam.

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Ramanujan’s birthplace on 18 Alahiri Street, Erode , now in Tamil Nadu

Ramanujan’s mother took care of him as his father was at work for the majority of the day, and they were quite close. She taught him about customs and puranic rituals, how to sing devotional songs, how to participate in temple pujas, and how to follow specific dietary guidelines—all aspects of Brahmin culture.

Ramanujan did well in Kangayan Primary School. He completed his primary tests in English, Tamil, geography, and arithmetic in November 1897, just before turning ten, with the highest marks in the district. It was in that year that Ramanujan enrolled at Town Higher Secondary School, his first exposure to formal mathematics.

By the age of eleven, he had become a child prodigy and had used up the mathematical knowledge of two college students who were houseguests at his house. Later on, S. L. Loney lent him a book on advanced trigonometry. By the age of thirteen, he had mastered this and independently discovered complex theorems.

At the age of 14, he was the recipient of academic honors and merit certificates that followed him throughout his time in school. He also helped the school with the practicalities of allocating its 1,200 students—all of whom had unique needs—to its about 35 teachers. He demonstrated proficiency in geometry and infinite series, finishing mathematics examinations in half the allowed time. In 1902, Ramanujan was taught how to solve cubic equations.

Later on, he would create his own approach to solving the quartic. He attempted to solve the quintic in 1903 without realizing that using radicals would not solve it.

At the age of sixteen, in 1903, Ramanujan borrowed a copy of G. S. Carr’s collection of five thousand theorems, A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics, from a friend. It is said that Ramanujan carefully examined every page of the book.

The next year, Ramanujan computed the Euler-Mascheroni constant to fifteen decimal places and independently devised and studied the Bernoulli numbers. At the time, his contemporaries said that they “stood in respectful awe” of him and “rarely understood him”.

Headmaster Krishnaswami Iyer of Town Higher Secondary School gave Ramanujan the K. Ranganatha Rao prize for mathematics in 1904 when he graduated. Iyer presented Ramanujan as a model student who should have received greater than-average marks. He was awarded a scholarship to attend Government Arts College in Kumbakonam, but he was unable to concentrate on anything but mathematics.

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Sarangapani Sannidhi Street, Kumbakonam – Ramanujan’s residence

As a result, he failed the majority of his classes and forfeited his scholarship. Ramanujan fled his house in August 1905, headed for Visakhapatnam. He spent around a month and a half in Rajahmundry. Later on, he enrolled at Madras’ Pachaiyappa’s College.

He did well in mathematics there, answering only the questions that piqued his interest and skipping the others, but he struggled in physiology, English, and Sanskrit. In December 1906 and again the following year, Ramanujan failed the Fellow of Arts examination. He left college without an FA degree and proceeded to conduct independent mathematical studies while living in abject poverty and frequently on the verge of hunger.

Following a meeting in 1910 between the 23-year-old Ramanujan and V. Ramaswamy Aiyer, the founder of the Indian Mathematical Society, Ramanujan started to gain prominence in Madras’s mathematical circles and was eventually admitted as a researcher at the University of Madras.

Indian Adulthood

Ramanujan wed Janaki (Janakiammal; 21 March 1899 – 13 April 1994) on July 14, 1909; she was 10 years old at the time of their marriage and the girl his mother had chosen for him the year before. The practice of arranging weddings between young girls was commonplace back then.

Janaki was from Rajendram, a hamlet near the railway station in the Marudur (Karur district). The father of Ramanujan did not take part in the wedding. Janaki stayed in her mother’s house for three years after getting married, as was customary at the time, until she hit puberty. She and Ramanujan’s mother went to Madras with Ramanujan in 1912.

Ramanujan’s testis became hydrocele after marriage. A simple surgical procedure that would have released the clogged fluid in the scrotal sac may have corrected the problem, but his family was unable to pay for it. An unpaid surgeon offered to do the procedure in January 1910.

Ramanujan seated alone
Ramanujan by himself

Following his successful operation, Ramanujan went job hunting. He remained at a friend’s house while he searched Madras door to door for a job as a clerk. He coached Presidency College students in preparation for their Fellow of Arts test in order to earn money.

Late in 1910, Ramanujan was ill once more. Because he was concerned about his health, he instructed his friend R. Radhakrishnan Iyer to “hand [his notebooks] over to Professor Singaravelu Mudaliar [the mathematics professor at Pachaiyappa’s College] or to the British professor Edward B. Ross, of the Madras Christian College.” Following his recovery, Ramanujan rode the train from Kumbakonam to Villupuram, a French-controlled city, and collected his notebooks from Iyer.

For a short month in 1912, Ramanujan resided in a home on Saiva Muthaiah Mudali Street in George Town, Madras, with his wife and mother. After obtaining a research post at Madras University, Ramanujan relocated to Triplicane in May 1913.

Pursuing a Profession in Maths

The Indian Mathematical Society was created by V. Ramaswamy Aiyer, the deputy collector that Ramanujan met in 1910. Showing him his math notebooks, Ramanujan expressed his wish to work in the revenue department, where Aiyer was employed. Later on, as Aiyer recalled:

The remarkable mathematical discoveries in [the notebooks] really got my attention. I had no intention of suppressing his brilliance by placing him in the lowest echelons of the revenue division.

Aiyer forwarded letters of introduction together with Ramanujan to his Madras-based mathematician pals. After reviewing his work, a few of them provided him with letters of reference to R. Ramachandra Rao, the Indian Mathematical Society secretary and the district collector for Nellore. Though Rao wasn’t convinced that Ramanujan’s study was his own, he was still pleased.

Ramanujan shared an exchange of letters he had with eminent Bombay mathematician Professor Saldhana, in which the latter acknowledged that he did not comprehend his work but determined that Ramanujan was not a fake. Rao’s skepticism over Ramanujan’s academic honesty was attempted to be dispelled by Ramanujan’s friend C. V. Rajagopalachari.

After agreeing to give him another opportunity, Rao listened to Ramanujan explain hypergeometric series, elliptic integrals, and his theory of divergent series, which, according to Rao, finally persuaded him of Ramanujan’s genius.

Ramanujan said he needed a job and financial assistance when Rao inquired what he desired. Satisfied, Rao dispatched him to Madras. With financial assistance from Rao, he carried out his studies. Ramanujan was able to get his work published in the Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society with the assistance of Aiyer.

Finding the value of was one of the first issues he raised in the journal.


Over the course of three difficulties and more than six months, he waited for a remedy to be presented but never got one. Ultimately, Ramanujan provided a partial answer to the issue on his own. He came up with an equation for the endlessly nested radicals issue on page 105 of his first notebook.


By putting x = 2, n = 1, and a = 0 in this equation, the answer to the Journal’s query was as simple as 3. Ramanujan’s first formal work on the characteristics of Bernoulli numbers was published in the Journal.

The denominators of the fractions of Bernoulli numbers (sequence A027642 in the OEIS) are always divisible by six, according to one feature he found. In addition, he came up with a way to compute Bn using earlier Bernoulli numbers. Here’s one of these approaches:

We shall note that in the event that n is even but not equal to zero,

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A 17-page document titled “Some Properties of Bernoulli’s Numbers” (1911) had three conjectures, two corollaries, and three proofs provided by Ramanujan. At first, his writing was full with errors. As M. T. Narayana Iyengar, Journal editor, pointed out:

The typical math reader, not used to such cerebral acrobatics, could scarcely keep up with Mr. Ramanujan since his methods were so new and his presentation so unclear and imprecise.

Later on, Ramanujan produced a second paper and kept submitting problems to the Journal. He started working as a temporary employee at the Madras Accountant General’s office in early 1912, earning 20 rupees a month. He was gone in a matter of weeks. After completing that task, he applied for a job as the Madras Port Trust’s Chief Accountant.

In correspondence dated February 9, 1912, Ramanujan penned:

Respected Sir,

I am aware that your office is hiring a clerk, and I humbly request to apply. I completed my studies up to the F.A. and passed the matriculation exam, but a number of unfortunate events kept me from continuing my education. Nonetheless, I have been dedicating all of my time to the study and advancement of mathematics. If hired for the position, I can state that I am quite sure I can perform my work justice. It is with great humility that I ask that you grant me the appointment.

A letter of reference for Ramanujan from Presidency College mathematics professor E. W. Middlemast said that he was “a young man of quite exceptional capacity in Mathematics” and was attached to his application. On March 1st, three weeks after submitting his application, Ramanujan received word that he had been hired as a Class III, Grade IV accounting clerk, with a salary of 30 rupees per month.

Ramanujan finished the tasks assigned to him at his workplace with ease and speed, and he used his free time to do mathematical study. Sir Francis Spring, Ramanujan’s supervisor, and S. Narayana Iyer, a coworker who doubled as the Indian Mathematical Society treasurer, supported Ramanujan in his mathematical endeavors.

Reaching out to mathematicians in Britain

Ramachandra Rao, E. W. Middlemast, and Narayana Iyer attempted to introduce Ramanujan’s work to British mathematicians in the spring of 1913. According to M. J. M. Hill of University College London, there were several flaws in Ramanujan’s publications. He said that while having “a taste for mathematics, and some ability,” Ramanujan lacked the foundation and grounding in schooling required to be acknowledged by mathematicians.

While Hill declined to accept Ramanujan as a pupil, he provided comprehensive and weighty professional guidance on Ramanujan’s work. Ramanujan composed letters to prominent mathematicians at Cambridge University with the assistance of friends.

H. F. Baker and E. W. Hobson, the initial two instructors, returned Ramanujan’s papers unsolicited. Ramanujan corresponded with G. H. Hardy, with whom he had studied Orders of Infinity (1910), on January 16, 1913.

The nine pages of mathematics, written by an unidentified mathematician, led Hardy to originally suspect that Ramanujan’s manuscripts could be fakes. A few of Ramanujan’s formulas were familiar to Hardy, while others “seemed scarcely possible to believe”.494 Hardy was amazed by a theorem located at the bottom of page three, which holds true for values of 0 < a < b + ⁠ 1 / 2 ⁠.


Some of Ramanujan’s previous work on the Infinite series also had an impression on Hardy.


G. Bauer had previously established the initial outcome in 1859. The second, which Hardy had not before seen, came from a family of functions known as hypergeometric series, which Gauss and Euler had first studied. Hardy thought that these findings were “much more intriguing” than the integrals work of Gauss.

Hardy stated that the theorems “defeated me completely; I had never seen anything in the least like them before” and that they “must be true, because, if they were not true, no one would have the imagination to invent them” after seeing Ramanujan’s continued fractions theorems on the last page of the manuscripts. Hardy contacted J. E. Littlewood, a coworker, to review the documents.

Littlewood marveled at Ramanujan’s brilliance. Hardy came to the conclusion that Ramanujan was “a mathematician of the highest quality, a man of altogether exceptional originality and power” and that the letters were “certainly the most remarkable I have received” after talking with Littlewood about the aforementioned publications.

494–495 A coworker, E. H. Neville, later said that “No one who was in the mathematical circles in Cambridge at that time can forget the sensation caused by this letter… not one [theorem] could have been set in the most advanced mathematical examination in the world”.

A letter from Hardy to Ramanujan on February 8, 1913, expressed interest in the latter’s work and stated that it was “essential that I should see proofs of some of your assertions”. In order to arrange for Ramanujan’s visit to Cambridge, Hardy wrote to the Indian Office during the third week of February, before his letter reached Madras. Ramanujan met with Secretary Arthur Davies of the Advisory Committee for Indian Students to discuss the foreign trip.

Ramanujan’s parents opposed him leaving his homeland to “go to a foreign land” because they thought it would be against their Brahmin background. A letter full with theorems was dispatched to Hardy in the meanwhile, with the words, “I have found a friend in you who views my labor sympathetically.”

In addition to Hardy’s support, Gilbert Walker, a former Trinity College, Cambridge mathematics instructor, was astounded by Ramanujan’s work and urged the young man to visit Cambridge. Following Walker’s support, Ramanujan’s colleague Narayana Iyer was asked to a meeting of the Board of Studies in Mathematics to discuss “what we can do for S. Ramanujan” by B. Hanumantha Rao, a mathematics professor at an engineering college. The board decided to give Ramanujan a 75 rupee monthly research fellowship at the University of Madras for the ensuing two years.

Ramanujan continued to submit papers to the Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society when he was enrolled as a research student. Iyer once sent a few of Ramanujan’s theorems on the summation of a series to a publication, stating, “The following theorem is due to S. Ramanujan, the mathematics student of Madras University.”

“Does Ramanujan know Polish?” was the question that British professor Edward B. Ross of Madras Christian College, whom Ramanujan had met a few years before, asked his pupils one day as he stormed into his class later in November. The reason was that Ramanujan had predicted in one article, in a paper that had just come in the mail that day, the work of a Polish mathematician.

Ramanujan developed theorems to simplify the solution of definite integrals in his quarterly articles. Ramanujan developed generalizations based on Giuliano Frullani’s 1821 integral theorem that could be used to assess integrals that had previously been inflexible.

Ramanujan’s refusal to travel to England caused Hardy’s correspondence with him to deteriorate. To mentor and introduce Ramanujan to England, Hardy engaged E. H. Neville, a colleague who was lecturing in Madras. Neville questioned Ramanujan about his refusal to attend Cambridge. It appears that Ramanujan had now agreed to the plan; according to Neville, “his parents’ opposition had been withdrawn” and “Ramanujan needed no converting”.

It seems that Ramanujan’s mother had a very vivid dream in which she saw Europeans all around him and was given the instruction “to stand no longer between her son and the fulfillment of his life’s purpose” by the family goddess, Namagiri. Ramanujan left his bride behind to be with his parents in India when he boarded a ship on March 17, 1914, and headed for England.

In England, Daily Life

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Outside the Senate House in Cambridge in 1915, Ramanujan (center) and his colleague G. H. Hardy (rightmost) are accompanied by other scientists.

On March 17, 1914, Ramanujan sailed on the S.S. Nevasa from Madras. On April 14, as he got off the ship in London, Neville was waiting for him in a vehicle. Neville took him to his Cambridge home on Chesterton Road four days later. Ramanujan started working with Littlewood and Hardy right away. Six weeks later, Ramanujan left Neville’s home and settled down on Whewell’s Court, which was only a five-minute walk from Hardy’s chamber.

Littlewood and Hardy started poring over Ramanujan’s notes. In the first two letters alone, Hardy had received 120 theorems from Ramanujan; the notebooks contained many more conclusions and theorems.

Hardy found that some were fresh discoveries, some were incorrect, and others had already been discovered. Hardy and Littlewood were deeply impacted by Ramanujan’s work. Hardy said that he “can compare him only with Euler or Jacobi,” while Littlewood observed, “I can believe that he’s at least a Jacobi.”

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Whewell’s Court, Cambridge’s Trinity College

Ramanujan worked with Hardy and Littlewood for over five years at Cambridge, where he also published some of his research. Ramanujan and Hardy were quite different people. Their professional relationship was a collision of ideologies, working methods, and cultural norms. The fundamentals of mathematics had been questioned in the preceding few decades, and it was realized that strong mathematical proofs were necessary.

While Hardy was an agnostic and a supporter of rigorous mathematics and evidence, Ramanujan was a devout guy who placed a great emphasis on his insights and intuition. While neither of them found it easy, Hardy did his best to bridge the gaps in Ramanujan’s knowledge and guide him in the necessity for formal proofs to back his findings.

In recognition of his work on extremely composite numbers, Ramanujan was granted a Bachelor of Arts by Research degree in March 1916. Parts of this work had been published in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society the year before.

This degree was the precursor of a PhD. The more than fifty-page study demonstrated a number of these numbers’ features. Though Hardy didn’t enjoy this subject, he did observe that Ramanujan showed ‘amazing command over the algebra of inequalities’ in it, despite the fact that it dealt with what he dubbed the ‘backwater of mathematics’.

Ramanujan was elected to the London Mathematical Society on December 6, 1917. He became the second Indian to be elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society on May 2, 1918, following Ardaseer Cursetjee’s admission in 1841.

As one of the youngest Fellows in the history of the Royal Society, Ramanujan was thirty-one years old. He was nominated “for his investigation in elliptic functions and the Theory of Numbers.” He became the first Indian to be admitted as a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, on October 13, 1918.

Disease and Death

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The “Master Theorem” page of Ramanujan

Ramanujan struggled with health issues all of his life. His health declined in England; it’s also possible that the hardship of adhering to the religiously prescribed stringent diet there and the shortages during the war (1914–18) made him less resilient. He was sent to a sanatorium after receiving a diagnosis of acute vitamin insufficiency and TB. In late 1917 or early 1918, he tried to end his life by plunging onto the rails of an underground station in London.

He was detained by Scotland Yard for attempted suicide, which was illegal, but Hardy intervened and got him freed. After returning to Kumbakonam, Madras Presidency, in 1919, Ramanujan passed away there in 1920 at the age of 32.

Compiling Ramanujan’s handwritten notes, which included continuous fractions, single moduli, and hypergeometric series, was his brother Tirunarayanan’s task after his death. Even though he was in excruciating agony, Janaki Ammal recalls that “he continued doing his mathematics filling sheet after sheet with numbers” in his final days.

Smt. Janaki Ammal, the widow of Ramanujan, relocated to Bombay. She went back to Madras in 1931 and moved to Triplicane, where she worked as a tailor and received a pension from Madras University to support herself. W. Narayanan, the boy she adopted in 1950, went on to establish a family and work as an official for the State Bank of India.

The Indian National Science Academy, the state governments of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal, as well as Ramanujan’s previous employer, the Madras Port Trust, awarded her a lifelong pension in her latter years.

Prominent mathematicians such as George Andrews, Bruce C. Berndt, and Béla Bollobás made it a point to see her when in India, demonstrating her ongoing devotion to Ramanujan’s memory and her active participation in attempts to raise his public reputation. In 1994, she passed away in her Triplicane home.

D. A. B. Young decided in 1994 after reviewing Ramanujan’s medical records and symptoms that his medical history, including fevers, relapses, and hepatic problems, were more consistent with hepatic amoebiasis, a disease that was common in Madras at the time, than they were with TB. He suffered from dysentery twice before departing from India.

Amoebic dysentery can cause hepatic amoebiasis, whose diagnosis was not yet well established if left untreated for years. Around the time Ramanujan departed England, British troops who had developed amoebiasis during the First World War were effectively recovering from the illness if it was identified and treated appropriately.

The religious practice of Ramanujan

Ramanujan’s religious practice, which aided him in making his scientific discoveries, was based in the age-old Indian tradition of searching for wisdom and understanding by reflection and meditation.

The focal point of Ramanujan’s religious devotion was the Hindu goddess Namagiri, who was a manifestation of Lakshmi. He felt that his inspiration for his mathematical breakthroughs came from God and that Namagiri was his guiding spirit. Ramanujan said that his research was an attempt to comprehend the universe’s heavenly order on a deeper level.

Ramanujan was greatly motivated and devoted to his mathematical studies because of his trust in Namagiri. He would frequently go for days at a time without eating or sleeping as he would spend hours in meditation and thought about mathematical issues. His conviction that he was working on a holy project that would draw him closer to God drove his extreme concentration and devotion to his job.

Ramanujan’s approach to mathematics was also impacted by his religious beliefs. Rather than via logical reasoning, he felt that inspiration and intuition were the means by which mathematical truths were given to him. He frequently referred to the mathematical concepts that came to him during periods of intense concentration as “dreams” or “visions.”

Ramanujan did not get any official instruction in mathematics, although his work was extremely inventive and revolutionary.

He made important contributions to algebra, analysis, and number theory, among other branches of mathematics. The Ramanujan prime, the Ramanujan theta function, and the Ramanujan conjecture—which remains a topic of ongoing research—are among his many notable findings.

Ramanujan’s capacity to make these discoveries was greatly aided by his religious practice. He was driven and focused to pursue his studies of mathematics with an unyielding sense of purpose because of his love to Namagiri.

He had the self-assurance to follow his intuition and approach his mathematical theories with an open mind since he believed that his work was inspired by God.

To sum up, Srinivasa Ramanujan’s religious beliefs were a major influence on his scientific accomplishments. He was inspired, motivated, and focused to pursue his mathematical studies with a strong sense of purpose by his devotion to the Hindu god Namagiri.

He had the self-assurance to follow his intuition and approach his mathematical theories with an open mind since he believed that his work was inspired by God. Ramanujan’s profound belief in God and his reputation as a mathematical genius continue to inspire and have an impact on academics and knowledge seekers worldwide.

Some details on Namagiri


Many people worship Namagiri, a Hindu god, including the renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Born in 1887 in Erode, Tamil Nadu, Ramanujan went on to make important contributions to mathematics.

His profound spirituality and belief in the efficacy of prayer and dedication to a higher force, however, are not well recognized.

A manifestation of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune is called Namagiri. She is referred to as “Namagiri Thayar” in Tamil Nadu, which means “the goddess who dwells on the hill.” Legend has it that Ramanujan saw Namagiri in a dream, who gave him several equations and formulae related to mathematics. According to legend, Ramanujan would frequently pray to Namagiri before beginning a particularly challenging task.

Ramanujan’s adoration for Namagiri extended beyond his private life and had a big impact on his mathematical work. Ramanujan stated, “An equation for me has no meaning unless it represents a thought of God,” in a letter to G. H. Hardy, his tutor. Ramanujan’s strong belief in the relationship between spirituality and mathematics is seen in this statement.

Many devotees still worship Namagiri today, especially in Tamil Nadu. The Namagiri Thayar temple is situated in the town of Namakkal, which is home to the hill where the goddess is supposed to reside. Indian devotees travel from all across the country to honor the goddess and ask for her blessings.

The devotion to Namagiri has not only extended beyond of Tamil Nadu but even to other regions of India. The relationship between spirituality and science has garnered attention again in recent years, and the tale of Ramanujan and Namagiri is a compelling illustration of this relationship.

In summary, many people revere Namagiri, including renowned mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Ramanujan’s devotedness to Namagiri is a prime illustration of the relationship between spirituality and science and had a major impact on his mathematical work.

Namagiri’s significance in Hindu mythology and culture is still very strong, and her devotion continues to inspire and influence people all over the world.

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